Welcome To My Portfolio:

My name is Oscar Ojeda Calderon,

My driving aspiration is to ignite inspiration in those around me. While not immersed in my ongoing personal and professional pursuits, I am consistently engaged in curating and crafting a portfolio that will stand as a testament to my creative endeavors, spanning across media, projects, sonic engineering, and Development.Beyond nurturing my own creative appetite, I am dedicated to extending assistance to friends and family, bolstering their pursuit of aspirations. My overarching life objective is to cultivate enduring relationships with supervisors, mentors, and peers whose influence resonates profoundly with my own.


WP Carey

W.P. Carey School of Business

Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems

Graduated: May 2024

Achievements: Gambitt, Wood foundation Scholarship recipient

My education at W.P. Carey has equipped me with both the technical skills and the innovative mindset necessary to address contemporary IT challenges, laying a solid foundation for my future career in technology.


'24 resume


Budget Buddy

Online banking System


Leader ship mentorship program
